Essay title: Argue your case for curriculum enhancement through cross-curricular approaches andgoing beyond the classroom.
Essay: Draw upon creative subject and pedagogic examples from current research, background reading, and reflections on yourself as a learner. Refer to your experience during the module and your teaching experience, exploring the connections between.
Introduction (approx. 750 words)- Define the three terms below
1. Discrete subject teaching & learning (eg: Hirsh, Gardner, 2006 )
2. Cross-curricular teaching & learning (eg: Barnes, 2015)
3. Beyond the classroom (eg: outdoor, active, creative teaching & learning; Craft, 1999, Hayes, 2010, Muijs & Reynolds, 2017)
Also give a short background context (eg: the journey from the Plowden Report (1965) to the National Curriculum (1989) to the Rose Review (2009) to what is often called the creative curriculum today).
Main body- 2,500 words
· I have attached all the essential reading that must be used in the essay so please make sure you use those. More can be used from your end too.
· At University we went through 3 weeks and each week we had a theme. The three themes were as follows:
– Belonging
– No Planet B
– Pattern
We have to give examples of these themes in our essay. I will upload some information on cross-curricular links we had during these weeks which can be added in the essay to back up points from readings.
An example can be
– (e.g.: cross-curricular themed weeks such as ‘No Planet B’) tutors modelled not just subject knowledge but transferable skills that ‘spread across domains’ (Kerry, 2015) such as group work, playful, participatory pedagogies, communications skills, making, critical thinking…)
· We also need cross curricular links from a primary school. An example or two can be searched online and acted like it has been something that I have observed in a primary school (UK) (eg: discrete teaching of algebra or SSP phonics, as opposed to more integrated cross-curricular project/topic/lessons you have taught or observed).
· How did pupils learn? (eg: any examples of Barnes’ ‘positive pedagogies’ 2018, such as enquiry, democratic dialogue, exploration, investigation…?)
· What skills did they develop? (eg: real world application of skills & knowledge)
Conclusion (approx. 750 words) Summarise what the research shows about what cross-curricular approaches offer.
1. Acknowledge the benefits and the challenges (e.g. there are sometimes weak links, teachers need broad subject knowledge and confidence, etc.)
2. Research suggests it can nourish teachers and learners (e.g.: offer greater inclusivity and progress) and enhance the curriculum (e.g.: learning collaboratively at greater depth, with relevant real world skills)
3. Reflect on how this has shaped your view as a teacher-to-be (eg: Cremin & Arthur’s ‘intellectually playful classroom’, where creativity develops learning potential and all of us as individuals, holistically)
000 words)