Instruction are uploaded below:
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and only 1-inch margins.
Paper must have a separate cover sheet Paper must have a separate cover sheet. Include a title
This is a 4-page double-spaced paper. This excludes your title page and bibliography.
4 sources must be used No outside sources. Sources will be provided
PAPER MUST INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY (in MLA, they call this a works cited page) and CITATIONS USING CHICAGO MANUAL/TURABIAN style format embedded in your text.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and only 1-inch margins.
Paper must have a separate cover sheet Paper must have a separate cover sheet. Include a title (Paper 1 is not a good title)
This is a 4-page double-spaced paper. This excludes your title page and bibliography.
4 sources must be used No outside sources. Sources will be provided
PAPER MUST INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY (in MLA, they call this a works cited page) and CITATIONS USING CHICAGO MANUAL/TURABIAN style format embedded in your text.
*****Sources listed in instructions doc are the only ones that can be used (Especially the Book)****