“For each critique, you will choose one peer-reviewed journal article for one of the chapters covered prior to the critique due date. Articles should be related to chapters 1-9 for critique 1 and chapters 10-18 for critique 2. Articles must come from scholarly journals (not newspapers, not magazines, not websites) and must describe a research study published in the last 7 years. Meta-analyses are acceptable, but articles that are simply literature reviews are not. Articles must be about some aspect of the psychology of human sexuality. That is, the article you choose must have something to do with cognition, emotion, behavior, motivation, etc. Articles must be more than a few pages in length. You must submit a PDF of your article along with your critique. If you aren’t sure if what you found will work for the assignment, please reach out. I am happy to check to make sure the article is appropriate.
You will write a 3- to 4-page typed, double-spaced article summary and critique. The format should be:
·APA-style reference for the article at the beginning
·A statement of the study’s hypothesis (in your own words, of course)
·A description of the study’s methodology and summary of the general findings
·A critical analysis of the study’s strengths and weaknesses. Strengths and weaknesses should pertain to the science of the study and not your opinion of whether or not this article was enjoyable or easy to read.
·A conclusion section describing your informed, scientific opinion of the research; include suggestions for how the research could be improved and what the next step should be for this line of research in the future.
**These last two sections should be about half of the length of your paper and should not just repeat what was in the Discussion section of your article.”
P.S. I will send directly send the article that will be used for the critique. Also the summary of each chapter will be attached.