Beyond Borders: Embracing Multicultural Diversification in the English Language and Language Teaching

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1) Objective of the webinar, where, when (see attached program flow)
Beyond Borders: Embracing Multicultural Diversification in English

The main goal of this webinar is to broaden the perspective of English language teachers through globally accepted strategies in teaching the language.

It provides an avenue for language teachers to concretize and contextualize learning.

It provides language teachers a platform to present topics for increasing students use and practice of the target language.

2) Webinar hosts and flow of the program (Please see attached program)
3) Guest Speakers (Please see attached program)
Mr. Donald R. Rondarin – ELA 8 Teacher at Addelita Cancryn Intermediate and Junior High School, Charlotte Amalie, St, Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Mr. Deo Lumogdang, LPT – ESL Teacher at Bigben English  HA LONG Vietnam
4) Include/Summarize student reflection on each of the speaker
A.Speaker 1 Student Reflection
Dr. Donard Rondain shared and discussed about his experiences in teaching English in a multicultural setting. Teaching English in a multicultural setting is a challenging but rewarding endeavor that requires teachers to be aware of the diverse needs, backgrounds, and experiences of their students. We need to encourage the learners to be aware of and respect the diversity of cultures and languages that exist in the world and in their own classroom. Exposing students to diverse texts and materials that represent different cultures and perspectives, such as literature, media, or authentic materials, we should respect and value the linguistic and cultural diversity of the students and their communities, and create a safe and inclusive learning environment for them.

In a multicultural educational setting, we should also recognize and build on the prior knowledge and experiences that the students bring to the classroom, and use their home languages and cultures as a resource for learning English. In addition, we should also use a variety of teaching methods and activities that suit the diverse needs and preferences of students, and that promote their engagement, participation, collaboration, and autonomy. Assess and evaluate students’ progress and achievement using multiple sources of evidence, and provide them with constructive feedback that helps them improve their learning. Thank you, Dr. Donard for sharing your knowledge with us.

 B. Speaker 2 Student reflection
Insights on the Best Practices in Teaching English as a Second Language 
by: Jian Rocyll M. Galling
(Transcribed from the actual recording) 
“Hello, Sir Deo. Good afternoon. Thank you so much for gracing our event. The quote that really struck me was “work to inspire confidence” and that is our main goal as language teachers. We need to spark within our learners the confidence for them to speak the language without fear of being discriminated nor fear that they might commit ungrammatical words or phrases. We need to instill in them the drive to be themselves without diminishing their cultural identity, because as what you said, “language and cultural identity are intertwined. ” One way to do it is to increase motivation in them. We, as teachers, should be their primary cheerleaders. We should provide them with multiple activities that will enhance their competency and proficiency in speaking the language. While considering their cultural background, we also need to be responsive of their needs and their developmental capacity. We should design developmentally appropriate activities, and establish routines in the sense that we should set behavioural expectations. We should be clear of what we want our students to achieve so that they will have this goal that they have to attain inorder to know whether they have successfully reached what we have prepared for them. Also, we need to adjust our pacing because not all learners learn in the same pace. In doing so, we should also build background knowledge in the sense that our learners could see the connection of the target language to their own native language. We should make our learning interactive, thus employing communicative activities , extended practices , homeworks, and assignments. Most importantly, we should not limit ourselves in the modality that we are in. We should also explore numerous modalities for if our learners learn differently, then we teachers should explore the best means in which they can retain learning and use it in the long runrun, where they can use it in life. There is also another quote that struck me. You said, “As teachers we should never be afraid to be a Filipino in a Vietnamese classroom. ” This means that we should leave our imprint on our students– our own unique style of teaching. We know what our learners need, how we can fulfill them, even if we go against the tide or different from how our colleagues would deliver instruction. Let me end this with a quote from Ignacio Estrada, “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. ” Thank you and good afternoon.”

5) Please include an overall insight why diversity and inclusion is a critical part of language learning all over the world. 

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