Purpose: Exploring different branches of Biology, this assignment will solidify our understanding of the purpose of science, its methodology, and limitations.
Instructions: Prepare a 5-7 min presentation (e.g. slide show with voice-over) responding to each question or instruction below. Record your voice explaining your responses in the presentation and upload the video (presentation + voice-over) to Canvas. Instructions on creating a presentation can be found here. Organize your presentation in the following way:
Slide 1: Your name and Assignment Title.
Slides 2-4: Choose any three branches of Biology (ex. immunology, anatomy, etc.) that you found interesting from the book or the video Map of BiologyLinks to an external site.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wENhHnJI1ys
1) For each of the three branches, describe the knowledge it is seeking or any problem(s) it is trying to solve,
2) Speculate how advancements in the field of study would impact the world
3) Give an example of a question related to the field that cannot be answered by science.
Slide 5:
Watch minutes 10:30 – 17:38 of the video lecture: “Nick Lane: Origin of the eukaryotic cellLinks to an external site.“. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaXhkZoOOYc&t=967s
In this video lecture, Nick Lane explores how eukaryotic cells evolved. In which branch of biology is Nick Lane considered an expert? What questions drive his scientific inquiry or what is the unknown he is trying to know? (hint: see timestamp 10:30-14:57.)
From 16:00 – 17:38 he puts forth his hypothesis, although he does not explicitly say “hypothesis.” Give your best guess as to what his hypothesis is. The only wrong answer is an unsupported answer, so give a reason for your best guess.
List one observation that you think supports his hypothesis and give an example of an observation that would falsify his hypothesis. (hint: re-watch 16:00 – 17:38 before he advocates his hypothesis.)
Slide 6-7: Think of a non-biology related issue in your personal life, a current social issue, or your future career. Apply the scientific method to the issue, making sure to point out each step and giving an example of how you would test your hypothesis. Use Figure 1.18 (The scientific method is a series of defined steps that include experiments and careful observation) of the eTextbook and the video “The Scientific Method: Steps, Examples, Tips, and ExerciseLinks to an external site.“ to guide your application. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi0hwFDQTSQ
Slide 8: Use the last slide to disclose the sources of information you used to make your presentation. For example, any websites that you visited. (Make sure you show this slide during your recording.)