Here, as would any reviewer, you’ll want to focus on the collection as a whole. You will want to write
about how the collection is set up and discuss trends you see in the work in the attempt to give a fair
assessment of what makes this collection work. You won’t, however, be narrowly focusing on one (or
two) poems; instead you’ll want to quote and paraphrase from VARIOUS poems in the collection as a means of providing support for your argument. You’ll want to organize your thoughts along the lines of at
least 3-4 different topics (topic sentences), and remember as a reviewer, you are making assessments,
arguments. Be sure to take a clear stand on those arguments. Again, what are the criteria you’ll be using to make your arguments? Those criteria formyour topic sentences, and your argument is your assessment as to what is working (or not) in thatparticular area.
Students tend to want to take shortcuts with this assignment and pass off 3-4 poems as proof that they’ve read the entire collection. As noted above, you want to bring in MANY poems as part of your
analysis. You want to discuss trends/patterns/overriding characteristics in the work as a whole. Is this an author/collection you recommend? Why/why not?
This review should be 7 pages at a minimum, and you should use MLA style(9th edition) to document.
Because this is a review, rather than a WC page, you should embed the book information (Author info.
Title Info. Publisher, Year. # pages) immediately after your review title and before your first paragraph