You are required to explain the
strategy of the company and/or the strategic imperatives in its industry, and how the CRM initiative addressed
some or all the key strategic aspects to remain competitive and be successful in the market. Then, you will
explain 2-3 relevant Critical Success Factors (CSF) and what companies can do to successfully address them.
application(s) that the company adopted (including the brand, if the IS was acquired or rented), IS suppliers,
and from there to link business strategies and IS applications in terms of detailed business processes (what the
systems automate/do) and their specific benefits. Regarding CSF, you must define relevant ones based
on the general characteristics of the case such as type of system, industrial sector, scope of operation of the
company, size, interaction or not with external parties, country(ies), idiosyncratic characteristics or situation of
the company, etc. I also expect the writer to explain how the CSF could affect the life cycle of the IS and what
company can do to deal with them.
success stories and customer testimonials (in the websites of the IS suppliers and service providers), website
information of the company adopter, its annual reports, industry/government reports, reports of analysts,
brochures and videos of the applications, website information of the suppliers of IS, news and blogs.
core in the case study the systemic use of diverse theoretical frameworks for the strategic analysis of the
company/industry including the PESTEL framework, the 5-forces of competitive positioning, the value chain
framework, the generic strategies, and/or the resource-based view of business strategy, depending on the
analytical approach and for the year of the decision and implementation. (SWOT analysis cannot be used)
language sources.