Business Finance – Accounting Can someone do my Week 6 Assignment BUS621: Leadership &Teamwork?


Walmart Analysis for Leadership

[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 3, 4, 5]

Watch this video with Dr. Williams Woods of Forbes School of Business and Technology.TranscriptDownload Transcript

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

For this class, the Walmart Analysis for Leadership assignment will apply toward Folio. Be sure to upload your paper to Folio once you have completed it and share a link in your submission in addition to uploading it to Waypoint to be graded. Learn more about Folio, the ePortfolio tool this university uses, by viewing the Folio Quick Start GuideLinks to an external site..

In the first half of the assignment, you will prepare for Walmart to operate in a foreign market. You will need to:

  • Analyze at least two leadership models and/or styles to determine which one will be more suitable for leading employees and for responding to stakeholders in a country outside of North America.
  • Determine the leadership competencies that would be beneficial to you as a leader in the selected foreign market. You will choose either Peru, New Zealand, Philippines, Egypt, Czech Republic, or the United Arab Emirates for your analysis.
  • Compare and contrast concepts of cultural leadership according to how they can be applied in the country that you have selected.
  • Determine the leadership skills and practices that should be used in order to foster team and organizational success.

In the second half of the assignment, you will conduct an analysis of the country that you have decided to expand operations into. The analysis must include:

  • The rationale for country selection based upon demographic and economic data.
  • The analysis should inform leadership about the country’s culture based upon GLOBE’s nine dimensions of culture as argued in Lumen.
  • Incorporate each of the nine dimensions of culture in an analysis that will be hypothetically presented to Walmart leadership. When utilizing the nine dimensions, current information about the culture of the selected country must be utilized.

The purpose of this preliminary analysis is to make sure that the leadership team understands the complexities of expanding into the country that you have selected.

In your paper,

  • Analyze the demographic and economic data of a country that Walmart is currently not operating in.
  • Conduct an analysis for Walmart leadership about the country’s culture based upon the GLOBE’s nine dimensions of culture.
  • Explain how Walmart’s leadership skills and practices may lead to organizational success.
  • Formulate a model of cultural and ethical leadership as it applies to Walmart at a global level.

The Walmart Analysis for Leadership Final Paper

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. 

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