Business Finance – Management Week 8 Assignment – Evaluation of the Agency’s Budgeting and Cumulative Report


As a consultant, you need to develop an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the selected agency’s budgeting parameters and then provide recommendations for improvement based on your research of related academic sources and websites. The analysis will be read by the VP of Public Service and client support, as well as by the leaders of the agency for whom you are working. Write a 4–6 page paper (including title and reference page) titled Part 4: Evaluation of the [Selected Agency]’s Budgeting and Cumulative Report, in which you separate the content into the following sections:

  • Analysis of Budgeting Plans and Actual Expenditures.
  • Implications of Foreign or Domestic Policy.
  • Budget Request and Recommendations.


  1. Determine which intergovernmental agencies contribute to or influence the budgetary decisions for the current and future budget over the next five years.
  2. Based on your agency selection, analyze the impact of either international or domestic policymaking on the current year’s budgets and its possible impact on future budget line items.
    • Consider our current practice of assembling and approving our national budget.  
      • How does politics impact discussion and decision-making?
      • How does our Debt ceiling impact budget formulation and impact the agency you selected?
    • Examples of domestic policy impact could include neighboring localities or states assisting other agencies.
  3. Recommend two strategies the agency could use to improve the budget for the next fiscal year. Recommendations should be detailed and focused.
  4. Use at least two quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. Include no more than one nongovernment website.
  5. Produce writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate SWS style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

Note: Before submitting Assignment Part 4, be sure to review Part 3 professor feedback and include your final version of Parts 1–4 as one submitted document for grading.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate an agency’s budgeting and financial strategies.

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