But how much inequality is too much? When is inequality good for society, or at least the economy, and when is it completely counterproductive?

Read Kurt Vonnegut’s short story called Harrison Bergeron, which you can find at https://archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison%20Bergeron_djvu.txt, about a society with too much equality. You have probably also ready Orwell’s 1984 or Animal Farm, and you have seen other if similar dystopian visions (though of course, some animals are more equal 

than others). But how much inequality is too much? When is inequality good for society, or at least the economy, and when is it completely counterproductive? 
– Please use the following quote “More unequal societies also tend to have shorter growth spells and take longer to recover from recessions and depressions,29 in part because the poor and middle classes spend a larger share of their incomes than the rich, and thus provide a needed boost to demand when the economy is operating below its production possibilities frontier. Unequal societies are more likely to have social separation between rich and poor, with the rich opting out of public services, and are more likely to have the preferences of the rich determining the policies of government. In unequal societies, governments tend to provide fewer public goods and invest less in education, public infrastructure, and technological improvement. Finally, unequal societies are more likely to be politically unstable, and that not only leads to suboptimal government policies but also to less investment by the private sector.”

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