Cardiovascular Disease in African American Males between the ages of 50-65 in rural central gerogia

You will submit a research paper with a minimum of 3000 words in length (excluding the title and the references section). This assignment is meant to assess whether students have met objectives to achieve MPH foundational competencies. It is important that you follow the American Psychological Society Style to format in-text citations and references (bibliography). If you do not follow the APA style, your assignment will not be graded. It is desirable that you generate at least two tables and two figures in your description of the problem and then use them in this research paper appropriately. Figures or tables can be reproduced from published scientific articles when they add to the information, as long as there is a clear citation/acknowledgment of the source and a description/explanation within the text. The grading rubric for the report is posted with the assignment instructions in the Assignment Dropbox on Canvas. To promote academic honesty your written creative brief assignment will be submitted as “Turnitin assignment” which will check for plagiarism. Review the detailed Turnitin instructions. on how to submit your assignments and how to review the Grademark comments (feedback) from your professor.

Your discussion board assignment you completed on the target audience, Assignment Ia and Ib, and the video presentation will be the basis of your research paper. You may address the following as a guide to developing the research paper while writing the research paper as a review under distinct sub-headings (Please do not write as a narration).
Description and background of the Problem: While integrating and leveraging your learning in all core courses including this PHC6315, you will describe the assigned topic to include, epidemiological aspect, data sources, and their significance, environmental, biological and genetic determinants, and any intervention by promotion or policy tools that has been implemented or should be implemented that relates to the topic. In addition to graphs (up to 2 graphs and 2 figures, you can include the Worksheet and SWOT analysis as figures, developed in the assignment- I to elaborate on the description of the problem).
a. What is the topic and what happens in the population that relates to the topic?
b. Who is affected and to what degree?
c. Physiological/molecular mechanisms of CVD
d. What could happen if the problem isn’t addressed?
e. What interventions/medicines are available or needed and/or what intervention help improve the situation that relates to the topic? 
You will Use health status indicators (epidemiological information) to answer the questions. Health status indicators are data on outcomes or their causes (e.g., smoking rates). Health status indicator data is made available by numerous organizations. Determine which of these can change as a result of programmatic action. (e.g., a social marketing program can’t eliminate genetic risk factors).
Target Audience: Based on the discussion board, elaborate on the person/place and people (target audience) that you want to reach with your communication. What do they value? How do they see themselves? What are their aspirations? Include a primary and secondary influence audience if appropriate.
Objectives: What do you want your target audiences to think, feel, or do after experiencing the communication?
Challenges: What beliefs, cultural practices, pressure, misinformation, biological, environmental factors etc. stand between your audience and the desired behavior?
Key prevention/mitigation message: Select one single benefit that will outweigh the obstacle in the mind of your target audience. Suggested format: If I (desired behavior) then (immediate benefit)
Support Statements: This is the substantiation for the key promise; i.e. the reasons why the prevention plan may work. Often this will begin with a ‘because’. Any bibliography/reference that used a similar plan that worked.
Tone: What feeling should your communication have? Should it be authoritative, humorous, emotional, etc.?
Communication Channels: What channels will you employ for the communication? TV, Radio, print ads, point of purchase materials, promotional giveaways, earned media (PR) etc. (from your discussion assignment)
Openings: What opportunities (times and places) exist for reaching your audience? When is your audience most open to getting your message? Examples: World AIDS day, Mother’s Day, or during church service, congregation etc.
Creative Communication Considerations: Any other critical information for the writers and designers? Will the communication be in more than one language or dialect? Should it be tailored to a low-literate audience?
Bibliography in APA format.

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