Respond to your colleague by offering a suggestion or resources to help your colleagues in addressing their
My expectations for this course include enhancing my knowledge of caring for patients across the lifespan by providing safe, effective care and ensuring that my care is patient-centered. I also want to improve my understanding of including patients in decision-making. Some of my strengths when working with adult patients include the ability to collaborate with other healthcare team members. All members of the healthcare team must be on the same page. Another of my strengths is the ability to adapt to the ever-changing world of healthcare.
A few of my weaknesses include reading, evaluating, and applying research. A few hands-in skills that give me pause are; suturing and lab draws. I have limited practice when suturing, and it has been a long time since I have completed a lab draw or started an IV.
Objectives that may help me on my journey are; formulating a diagnosis for the adult patient, understanding and evaluating patterns in the diagnosis of the adult patient, and creating a treatment plan and educational information for the patient (Outcomes, 2020).
This course allows me to stay current with evidence-based medicine to provide the best possible care to my patients. This course helps me prepare for boards. Lastly, this course will help me build as a practitioner by learning to diagnose and treat patients correctly. I plan to accomplish career goals during this course, including; looking ahead.
The Nurse Practitioner wears many hats; we assess, obtain comprehensive assessments, identify risk factors, diagnose, develop care plans, etc. The practice model for Nurse Practitioners emphasizes patient-centered, holistic care, with nurse practitioners being patient advocates (Standards of Practice, 2022).
Outcomes Alignment Chart, NRNP6531: Primary Care of Adults across the Lifespan.
Standards of Practice for Nurse Practitioners.
Wiesen, K. (2023). 15 Ambitious and Achievable Career Goals for Nurse Practitioners.