Case study analysis and implementation of the design-thinking approach in a real store ( Nike)

you need to explain your application and practice of the design thinking methodology applied to the process of buying specific product/s for a specific objective, as well as developing and testing prototypes from an online and bricks and mortar store

Expected Content Report:

1.Empathy&define:PresenttheEmpathyMapwiththemostrelevantinformationabouttheUsers.Definetheproblemorproblemsusingconvergentthinking. Persona and Problem

2.Ideate: explain your problem-solving process applying one of the design thinking tools of the ideation phase (e.g., 6-3-5 method, how might we question, 2×2 matrix, etc). Present your criteria for selecting the best idea. Use desirable/feasible/viable to decide which ideas to develop for prototyping.

3.Prototype & test: clearly explain one or more prototypes, tests, and insights (prototyping design thinking tools – rapid prototypes, wireframes, role playing, storyboarding, etc.). Present images, drawings, etc.

4.Design thinking strategy – Design thinking for business innovation: does your idea solution meet the innovation “sweet spot” – desirable, feasible, viable? What will you do next in the iterative design thinking process?

Expected Content Presentation:

  1. Introduction, scope and objectives
  2. Analysis/overview of the chosen store (include a short video, images, map)
  3. List of pain points &/or Problems and issues faced by customers (include the problem/s and key information about the users)
  4. List of design thinking tools and insights used to explain the problem-solving process (each group must include at least one)
  5. List of prototyping design thinking tools to create and test prototypes, and how you implemented them (each group must include at least two)
  6. Reflection on the design thinking strategy and “sweet spot”


  1. A summary of the key findings from your research
  2. A reflection on your experience implementing the tools and how you may apply them in a real-world setting.
  3. An appendix which includes all visual material generated during your implementation of the tools.

10. A Harvard Referenced reference list.

  • Power point or canvas (10/15 slides maximum)
  • Executive report: your executive report (1500 words)
    o Cover,Table of contents,references and appendix are excluded from the total word count.
  • Remember that the content of your presentation and report must correspond to the chosen store, product, objective, etc.
  • Use visuals effectively to enhance communication and engagement; avoid excess text on slides

o Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
o Text alignment: Flush left, ragged right

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