Video: SAP Procurement to Pay Cycle
Watch the video and answer the following questions:
1. Put together a Process Description, by creating a 3-column table to describe SAP’s Procurement to Pay Process. The header of the 1st column is “STEPS”, the header of the 2nd column is “TASKS” and the header of the 3rd column is “RESPONSIBLE”. Based on the video, document the process, by collecting information about the tasks executed at each step. There are tasks that are very specific within SAP, but do your best to capture as much information as possible from the video.
2. Along this process (or workflow), there are important decisions that are made. Identify these decisions, at what step of the process each one takes place and who is responsible for the decision. If you were able to identify and add these decisions as tasks on the Process Description prepared in question #1, just highlight in red the decisions and their respective responsible party.
3. Create a flowchart, showing the steps identified in question #1 and decisions identified in question #2. Use flowchart standards described on Review the flowchart examples to help you to build your flowchart: