choose a topic related to gender that has captured the public’s attention within the last year. Then, do research on the topic, and choose 5 articles that speak to this topic.
August 15, 2023August 15, 2023
Discipline: Psychology
choose a topic related to gender that has captured the public’s attention within the last year. Then, do research on the topic, and choose 5 articles that speak to this topic. The article should be empirical articles (summarizing a study, not a chapter or a theoretical paper), although you may read chapters and theoretical papers to deepen your knowledge on the topic.
1.Introduction to the topic and a summary about why it is important. (for this, you are encouraged to use media clips, newspaper excerpts, or statistics when applicable to make your case)
2.Overview of background research on this topic (summary 1 article on the topic).
3.Overview of the main article/video/etc.
4.Practical implications for the real world. What take away messages arise from your study? How can the results be applied to solve real world problems related to gender.
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