Module 3 Discussion: Creating conditions for language learning across programs
Students should answer the following prompts:
While your reading in this module covers all 6 of the TESOL principles for exemplary teaching of English Learners, we are focusing in particular on Principle #2: Create conditions for language learning. In this principle, the TESOL authors highlight the importance of the socioemotional environment, teachers’ high expectations of success, and students’ motivation and engagement in learning.
Similarly, the authors of The Translanguaging Classroom in Chapter 4 explain the importance of a translanguaging stance in the classroom, arguing that effective instruction for Emergent Bilingual learners draws on students’ bilingualism for learning. It does not limit them to English only.
For this discussion:
- Describe one of the common programs for Emergent Bilingual learners presented in the module materials.
- Identify 2 or 3 methods commonly used in this language program.
- Reflect on how to create TESOL’s favorable learning conditions and implement a translanguaging stance in this type of program. Provide examples from your teaching practice if you can. How would these strategies be implemented differently for learners of different language backgrounds and proficiency levels?
Module 4 Discussion: Translanguaging Unit Plan outline and sample
Students should answer the following prompts:
Outline the major components of the translanguaging unit plan (pp. 64-72 of The Translanguaging Classroom). Compare and contrast this instructional framework with others you use or have encountered, highlighting key differences. How does the sample unit plan from Justin’s push-in ESL services in math support language development through high-quality instruction? What questions do you have about the translanguaging unit plan before you begin drafting your own in Module 5?
Module 5 Discussion: Translanguaging pedagogy in action
Students should answer the following prompts:
In this discussion, you will apply the translanguaging strategies we have been studying to rethink English-medium instruction.
- Drawing on the video you viewed from the module resources, summarize the methods used to make input comprehensible for English Learners. Alternatively, summarize methods you use in an example lesson from your own classroom.
- Discuss opportunities to use translanguaging and visual literacy strategies in this lesson. Make connections between the module resources and the video instruction/your classroom instruction. What changes could be made to the classroom space, lesson resources, instruction, and/or assessments to support learning across languages and critical visual literacy? Share any additional ideas you have.
- Reflect on how to differentiate this lesson for learners at different levels of language proficiency.
Module 6 Discussion: Translanguaging in assessment
Students should answer the following prompts:
High-stakes assessments, including WIDA’s ACCESS for ELLs and state-mandated standardized assessments, have become a focus in education. Yet, there are many assessment practices that educators utilize and can reshape in their daily teaching.
Describe one of these practices of monitoring student learning and providing feedback that you use in your classroom or have experienced. Analyze how well this assessment reflects principles discussed in our module materials, and identify opportunities for improving the assessment in light of what you are learning.
Then, reflect on how you might use this reshaped assessment in your Translanguaging Unit Plan. How will this assessment inform your future instruction?
Module 7 Discussion: Supporting EB learners’ academic language and literacy
Students should answer the following prompts:
Select one of the activities from the chapter readings in The Translanguaging Classroom (listed below), The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox, the content-area instruction resources that you explored, or your own ESL teaching. Explain how translanguaging is or can be used to enhance students’ academic language and literacy across domains.
- Reading jigsaw
- Re-presenting texts
- Read aloud
- Research report writing
- Close reading
- Argumentative essay writing
Then, share how you could use a similar activity in your Translanguaging Unit Plan. Provide as much detail as possible as you begin to design the activity for your own context, including the texts you plan to use, the collaborating content area and objectives, and differentiation for learners of different language proficiency levels. This information will help your peers provide helpful feedback.
Module 8 Discussion: Self-Assessment
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