Module 3 Discussion Topics—
M3 Grades K-2 Video
What insights did you have about early childhood language development and ELLs, based on this video? What was confirmed that you already knew? What was new or different?
It’s a lecture by Dr. Mileidis Gort which demonstrates certain techniques
M3 Definitions of Fluency and Best Practices
Module 4 Discussion Topics
M4 English and the Written Word, Writing System Videos
There are three videos for this week, all of them short: a 10 minute one showing the history of the English writing system, and an 8 minute one about writing systems in general (he talks really fast, but it’s very interesting). What did you find interesting about them?
1. A History of English Writing:
2. Types of Writing Systems:
3. English and the Written word from Empire of the Word. Enjoy the whole hour – there is much to learn and enjoy.
M4 Rhymes with different spellings of the long “A” sound
Enjoy this short video created Kristin Lems to show an ad campaign by Target highlighting rhymed spellings of words ending with “long A.”
What do you think? Comment and reply to two others.
M4 “Ebonics” and the Teaching of Reading
Module 5 Discussion Topics
M5 Focus on Grades 3-5, Two Morphemes Videos
There are three videos this week, one about best practices in Grades 3-5, and two about morphemes and the way English words evolve. Please comment on them.
What was new to you? What do you already do or know? Any surprises?
Grades 3-5 by Robert Jimenez:
2 videos about morphemes and word origins, by Gina Cooke:
Making sense of spelling
Why is there a b in doubt?
M5 Reading Comprehension, Writing Workshop
After viewing the podcast on Reading Comprehension and the demonstration of Writing Workshop in a classroom of ELLs, please comment on what you took away from the podcast that is usable in your own teaching, now or in the future. Please comment on the posts of at least two classmates.
here are the links:
Reading Comprehension:
Writing Workshop:
Module 6 Discussion Topics
M6 Videos on Word Formation and Shared Reading
Please watch these four videos.
Word Formation by the authors of your textbook!
Digital shared reading on starfall for Little Red Hen–im-reading
A readaloud of Burros Tortillas Readaloud
Comparing Burros Tortillas and The Little Red Hen with a Venn Diagram
M6 Immigrant Advantage, and Teaching Siblings to Read
Please write comments here about each of the two videos you viewed this week:
PBS: The Immigrant Advantage:
YouTube: Kids Reading Together:
What did you think of one, both?
Anything surprising or intriguing?