Climate change NYC/PlaNYC/OneNYC/Deblasio/Bloomberg/Biden/Climate gentrification/Air casting


• Show evidence that all research has been completed
• Present a cogent argument (incorporating a set of claims, reasoning and evidence) to address your research question(s)
• Comprise a full report including completion of all introduction/executive summary, background, methodology, analysis, and conclusions sections appropriate to the demands of your own research project
• Incorporate a complete and appropriately formatted bibliography
Please put all of the info together into one paper.
The info regarding Deblasio/Bloomberg and Biden is presented, please only edit.
Please develop/write an additional 1 page on the air casting samples
Please develop/write about PlaNYC and OneNYC
Please relate this to climate gentrification I need 9 additional pages on climate gentrification and whatever else that may relate or needs to be added
*The other 10 pages is already written below/just edit please and put into the correct format/please make it look presentable
example outline /you may come up with your own outline if you like
All in all: Outline
– 2018 Air casting samples/chart
– 2019/2020 Qualitative/ Quan research-poverty reshaping Jamaica
– 2021 DeBlasio (use the research I have already found)
– 2022 Biden (use what I’ve found)
– 2023 PlaNYC & OneNYC -develop
– 2023 NYPIRG case study/questionnaires etc..Environmental campaign, townhall)
– 2023 Results, changes//unfolded/difference, why is climate change so important and detrimental to our environment? (Give background on why I chose to speak about topic

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