Clinical Field Experience B: Classroom Procedures (Routines), Rules, Consequences, and Rewards

Assessment Description

Establishing procedures in a classroom setting creates a learning environment that is helpful for all students. Districts may provide guidelines, but ultimately, classroom procedures, routines, rules, consequences, and rewards are at the discretion of the teacher. Each year presents a new group of students to which classroom management must be adapted to meet the needs of students.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

In a K-8 classroom, observe procedures, routines, rules, consequences, and rewards in your mentor teacher’s classroom. With the permission of your mentor teacher, observe two additional classrooms at the same school site. Consider observing one classroom at the same grade level and one classroom at a different grade level.

While observing, pay particular attention to the visuals around the classroom supporting rules and procedures, organizational structures implemented during learning, transitions from one activity to the next, and the teacher’s initiative to organize the learning environment. Take notes on your findings in preparation to collaborate with your mentor.

Discuss your observations with your mentor teacher. Seek further information on the site’s initiatives for classroom rules and procedures, grade level collaboration, and the mentor’s perspective on establishing clear procedures in the classroom environment.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Summarize your observations and interview in 250-500 words highlighting your vision for your future classroom environment.

In your summary, include the following:

  • Why is it important to create a classroom that is safe, organized, and productive?
  • How will a safe, organized, and productive classroom meet the needs of diverse students?
  • What procedures, routines, rewards, and rules did you observe that you would consider implementing in your future classroom?

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