Communicating for Success: An English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Course for Final Year Higher Nitec Early Childhood Students, Singapore

Dear writer, please read the essay instructions carefully. Since the instruction is long, please refer to the attached document for further detailed essay format. 

Question 1

Final-year students in the department of
your tertiary institution are required to complete a final-year project, do an
oral presentation of their project, and start looking and interviewing for
jobs. Your Head of Department has asked you to design a course to prepare your
final-year students to do their oral presentations in English, and to prepare
them to present themselves effectively in job interviews for English-speaking
companies. The course should also be able to prepare your graduates to
communicate effectively in an English-speaking company in the early stage of
their career, focusing on their oral communication skills. Before you proceed
to design the course, you should first produce a draft of the syllabus and some
sample materials for discussion with your Head.

This ECA requires you to do the following:

a) Design the syllabus of your course. Give
your course an appropriate name. Be sure to explain clearly your target
learners and teaching situation. Your syllabus should take the form of a
detailed content page or an overview of the entire course, stating clearly the
units of study, topics, sequencing of content (text and language
features/skills, grammar, vocabulary, etc), exercises, and so on. (20 %)

b) Design a unit of lessons to illustrate
the sort of specialised content and learning tasks that could be included in
the course. This unit of study should contain sufficient materials for 3-6
hours of classroom-based ESP lessons.(30 %)

c) Write a report. In your report, discuss
and evaluate your syllabus and unit of lessons, explaining clearly how they are
informed by your proposed needs analysis. In justifying your syllabus and
sample unit of lessons, you should also draw on your understanding of the need
to balance the competing demands of the following pairs of concepts in ESP
course design: wide- vs narrow-angled course designs; and authentic vs
non-authentic texts. Support your discussion by referring to relevant
readings/research.(50 %)


Important Note:

National Institute of Early Childhood Education

Final year students: Higher Nitec in Early
Childhood Education from ITE Singapore

Main point: Help Higher Nitec Early Childhood
Students from ITE to prepare your final-year students to do their oral
presentations in English, and to prepare them to present themselves effectively
in job interviews for English-speaking companies. The course should also be
able to prepare your graduates to communicate effectively in an
English-speaking company in the early stage of their career, focusing on their
oral communication skills.

Include Triangulation, genre, EOP and EAP, Specific Discourses, The need to use real content and carrier content. Real content: refers to the pedagogical content learners need to learn (eg, the language skills and language products learners need to produce). Carrier content: refers to the means of delivering real content via the use of texts or activities 

You can add the specific discourses and the use of real and carrier content in several sections of your essay, such as: 

II. Needs Analysis
In the findings section, you can elaborate on the specific language needs and communication skills identified through the needs analysis, such as the discourse used in early childhood education, and the communicative functions required for oral presentations and job interviews.
In the justification and implications section, you can explain how the findings have influenced the syllabus and unit of lesson design, including the selection of specific genres, language features, and skills to be taught in the course.
You can also discuss how the needs analysis has informed the use of real and carrier content in the course, such as the incorporation of authentic materials and tasks that reflect the students’ future work environment. 

IV. Genre Analysis
In this section, you can elaborate on the specific genres analyzed, such as the discourse of oral presentations and job interviews in English-speaking companies in the early childhood education field.
You can also explain how the genre analysis findings were used to inform the selection of real and carrier content in the course, such as the identification of authentic materials and tasks that reflect the linguistic and communicative features of the targeted genres. 

V. Syllabus Design

In this section, you can justify the inclusion of each unit of study and topic based on the needs analysis and genre analysis, and explain how the use of real and carrier content has been integrated into the syllabus design.
You can also discuss how the language skills and competencies targeted in each unit of study align with the specific language needs and communication skills identified in the needs analysis, and how the use of authentic materials and tasks enhances the student’s ability to transfer their learning to real-life situations.
Furthermore, you can discuss the sequencing of the units and the selection of language features and functions in each unit, and how they build on each other to develop the student’s proficiency in the targeted genres and communication contexts. 

VI. Lesson Design
In this section, you can explain how the lesson plans were developed based on the syllabus and unit of study design, and how they integrate the use of real and carrier content.
You can also discuss how the lessons incorporate a range of language skills and competencies, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving, and how they provide opportunities for students to practice and apply their learning in different contexts.
Finally, you can discuss the assessment strategies used to measure student progress and achievement, and how they align with the specific language needs and communication skills identified in the needs analysis, as well as the targeted genres and communication contexts in the syllabus design. 

Sample questionnaires, syllabus and materials

I have designed the above-mentioned. Please review and revise accordingly. Please place them as part of the essay and word count. Thank you!

Essay Title

Communicating for Success: An English
for Specific Purposes (ESP) Course for Final Year Higher Nitec Early Childhood
Students, Singapore

No. of words: 4000 words (questionnaires,
course syllabus, and lesson plans MUST be part of the word count. NO APPENDIX)
I have designed the above-mentioned; please go through and revise it

No. of references: 30

Recommended readings:

Basturkmen, H. (2010). Developing courses
in English for Specific Purposes. London: Palgrave MacMillan. pp.1-35.

Woodrow, L. (2018). Introducing course
design in English for Specific Purposes. Abingdon: Routledge. pp.21-31,
162-169.Essay Title: Preparing Final-Year Students for Success: Designing an
ESP Course for Oral Presentations and Job Interviews in English


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