Woolf’s A Haunted House – 444-445; & Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily – 30-36 – Comparative Analysis
Please describe your response by answering all questions below. All questions should be answered in the same chronological order as they appear. Please do not include any sub-titles and questions in the body of your final essay.
Relevance of Title: Do you think both the literary works A Haunted House and A Rose for Emily are titled appropriately to match their tone and content?
Symbolism and Allegorical Content: Trace the symbols and allegorical content in both the literary works A Haunted House and A Rose for Emily and explain if it impacts the plot in any way.
Characterization –Explain who do you think are the main protagonists of these two literary works and why – A Haunted House and A Rose for Emily? Explain if the characters evolve and impact the plot as both literary works progress?
Economic, Social, Historical & Cultural: Clearly describe the economic, cultural and social elements portrayed in these short stories and how these elements impact the plot and characters in these literary works ( A Haunted House and A Rose for Emily). Explain and specify your response based on the content of these readings.
Theme & Comparative Analysis: Compare or contrast the theme conveyed in A Haunted House and A Rose for Emilywith any one or more reading selections that you have read this semester in this course and which are included on the syllabus. Provide a comprehensive response explaining “why not” if you think there is not any comparison or contrast with any of the other reading selections included on the syllabus.
Ending– Specify and explain your response to the conclusion of both these literary works ( A Haunted House and A Rose for Emily). Do you think it was a satisfactory ending for both literary works or would you have liked both of these literary works to end differently?