objective write a 6-8 page MLA formatted research paper comparing the impacts of climate change or anything truamatic event such as war, COVID, political conflict at national level or one of your suggestionon 2 historically marginalized cultural groups using 2 anthropological terms from this semester and a specific climate change concept. if one group is from the U.S, then the other group must be from a non western society.
I have already started the research and chosen a topic which Is comparing drought between the borana tribe in Ethiopia and the Navajo in America. I have written a research proposal and an annotated bibliography yesterday with the help of my professor I wrote the introduction which included the 1. attention grabber, 2. description of issues/ research questions using anthropological terms, 3 description of participants or population (country age, gender, possibly class. 4 state time period ( contemporary, historical, specifically colonial) ,5 description researchs comparative research, present of any original ethnographic material ( people speaking for themselves or rhetorical or other theoretical criticism,6 summary of themes from research in annotated bibliography, and lastly your claim or argument about what research indicates or suggest about your research topic.