Compare the powers of the House and the Senate as well as the balance of power of the states within Congress. Think about which are the most powerful and how they impact both state and federal politics and policy.

submit a final draft of your research paper using your annotated bibliography, outline, and feedback from the instructor. In this assignment, you will create and submit your final research paper. The final paper should be between 750-1200 words.  

The paper should contain a hook, a thesis statement, transition sentences, an introduction of the problem or issue, an explanation of the topic’s significance, a debatable claim, 3-5  paragraphs, and a conclusion. The paragraphs in the body of the paper should each contain 3-5 sentences and express your ideas clearly with transition sentences that link the ideas in each paragraph to the next. Each paragraph should include sensory details and remain focused on the topic. The conclusion should include a restatement of the thesis sentence, final thoughts, the theme or lesson of the experience, and a closing statement. 
Make sure you have at least five or more scholarly sources. The grammar and vocabulary should communicate meaning to the reader with clarity and should be appropriate for academic writing. Please double check for grammar or spelling errors. For MLA Style formatting, please refer to the associated lesson in the orientation module. 

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