Aim: The purpose of this assignment is to help students review the current literature on a selected topic using the systematic literature review methodology and produce and publishable format of a paper.
Task: Student are expected to describe the major trends in a selected area, elaborate on several important solutions to past challenges, and identify the major challenges to be addressed in the future. When describing the challenges that researchers and practitioners will face, you need to critically analyze the current theories, processes, and methodologies and identify promising directions that future research could take. Each paper also needs to include several sections between the Introduction and Research Problem Formulation, where you will analyze the topic of your review. Use the following list as a guide to write this part of your paper.
An overview of the major challenge(s) faced in this area of research and/or practice.
A review of the approaches and studies used in the past to overcome these challenges. For each approach: discuss the problem(s) it addresses, methods used, theoretical foundation, the results of this approach, and any unresolved. Students must cite 10-15 peer-reviewed articles in their paper. Every article used needs to appear in the reference section. A paper cannot appear in the reference section if it is not explicitly cited in the main body of the paper. Depending on the topic of the paper, students may need to refer to other publications (journals and conference proceedings) that are not listed in the course readings.