Create a methodology based on ppt slides attached and the details in the word document attached. If using references only use those from the attached in the word document.
NOTE: write in furture tense
Main Headings:
- Participants, – University Students (information obtained from the Registars Department at the university)
Population size (N) = 9500 approximately
Smaple size (n) = 370
What screening criterion was there?
How were participants selected?
Were any groups excluded and if so, why?
Basic demographics
General characteristics e.g. university students, income level, nationality, work experience
* Only include what is relevant to your study
All materials utilized for the study (data collection instruments) – SURVEYS
For each material, Why was it chosen?
Test for Validity?
Test for Reliability?
If measure is obscure or new, go into more details about the scale.
When surveys are used, must provide details about the measures
Short description of measure
Number of items
Response format: Likert scale, open-response, etc. (I will be using the Likert scale, open response and close end questions)
Interpretation information: high scores meanβ¦ low scores mean…
Step-by-step of how you plan to collect the data.
Include RELEVANT details
Could another researcher repeat the procedure just by reading what you wrote here? If not, add more detail.
Were surveys filled out in a classroom? Yes – at The University of The Bahamas
Was the researcher present? Yes – I will be Present
Write in order which you anticipate events to occur
(usually starts with informed consent procedure)
When? (during regular class time?) – Yes
Instructions to participants – Ask for consent, will let them know its voluntary., will thank them
Where? (each person in own room or group format?) – Both
How? (paper and pencil? Internet? All in one packet? Order of measures?)