Create Power Point

Learning Goal: I’m working on a economics presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.


Select a pair of companies from the list below and download the last three annual reports for both companies in the pairing. The companies in each “pair� are in similar industries, but at varying stages of life and growth.

Company pairings:
  • CTI BioPharma and Eli Lily
  • PepsiCo and Monster Energy
  • Tesla and Ford Motor Company
  • Cirrus Logic and Intel
  • Noodles and Company and Darden Restaurant Group


Review the annual reports. What can you learn from them? In addition to whatever other observations you make, your presentation must address the following questions and topics:

  • Common size income statements for three fiscal periods. What trends have you noticed in the three years for each company?
  • What similarities/differences are noticeable when comparing the two companies?
  • What items do you see on their balance sheets? Are these companies showing asset growth? How are they financing the assets purchased? How can you tell?
  • Ratios: Please compute and report on at least five financial ratios that we have covered in this course.
  • In your opinion, what is “on the radarâ€� for each of these companies (reading the CEO’s letter to Shareholders and/or the MD&A might help you with this one.)


You should prepare a 15 to 20 minute presentation as if to educate the rest of your classmates about the two companies you’ve chosen. Your presentation can take any direction, but it must be in a Power Point format and must include the items listed above.

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