Assignement 2
Discuss the key
leadership/management style/s in your current workplace and/or a workplace you
are familiar with. To complete
this assessment, you must:
Provide some examples (at least
2) of applicable/relevant leadership or management theories. This can include a
combination of theories and styles (e.g., situational,
trait, authoritarian, power and influence, contingency, transformational, transactional, autocratic path-goal, servant
leadership, authentic leadership).
Interconnect/link the theories to the practice/workplace (this can be real
world examples or hypothetical).
Critically discuss the
advantages/disadvantages of the current leadership/management style (e.g., how management/leadership style/s
affect different aspects and outcomes of the organisation, such as staff,
consumers, quality and cost-efficiency of services)
Provide recommendations for improving the management/leadership style.