You should present a critical discussion of CBT approaches to treating anxiety, demonstrating two treatment models and their related interventions used by practitioners.
The treatment models you present should be discussed in detail addressing the theoretical constructs which underpin them and the interventions which stem from them. Client suitability for particular interventions should be considered, along with any factors which may influence outcomes.
Definitions, prevalence, and symptoms of anxiety should be addressed, with attention given to risk assessment and management.
A critique of the approach based on current literature should be pro with reference to evidence-based practice, effectiveness and limitations.
1. To advance knowledge of the principles and concepts of CBT and other core psychological theories.
2. To acquire a critical understanding of common mental health disorders.
3. To consolidate and advance the utilisation of therapeutic skills deriving from CBT and other theoretical models.
4. To further develop the application of the theories to psychological assessment and formulation.
1. To critically analyse and evaluate selected components of the given models in relation to CBT.
2. To demonstrate a critical knowledge and understanding of specific mental health disorders, and align this knowledge to recommend interventions and empirical protocols contained in
Module 8.
3. To communicate, using appropriate methods, how concepts and interventions from CBT and other given models inform therapeutic practice.
2000 words, +/- 10%. Submissions out-with these guidelines will automatically fail.
Submissions will be returned in approximately 4 weeks. All grades are provisional until ratified by the Academic Board.
Assessments are marked anonymously with a sample 2nd marked and a further sample Internally Verified.