I have completed the work however the similarity percentage is too high on turnitin, it’s currently on 41% and it has to be around 15%. I’m going to copy and paste the syllabus and what the assignment is about :
Titile: Critically discuss the social
model of disability and what this means for developing an inclusive education approach to educating learners, including disabled
learners and those with learning difficulties.
does the essay task involve?
Essay: An account or discussion, which demonstrates a
critical understanding of the issues central to the module by engaging with
theoretical knowledge and perspectives. Essays should be within 10% above or
below the stated word limit. An essay will be assessed according to the extent
to which it demonstrates:
- engagement with
the assignment as set; - clarity, coherence
and appropriate structuring, based on an appropriate selection of
literature (and other relevant material); - formulation
of clear argument(s) and analysis, informed by published literature; - evidence of
critical engagement by the development of connections between theories,
and / or connections between theory and practice, and/or between theory
and research findings; - evidence
of a breadth of reading of published literature (and other material where
relevant) provided via the module; - accurate
presentation, including correct English grammar and punctuation and the
citing of references.
Essay Structure : 250 words
Introduce the whole assignment – explain how
you have organised it, what you have written about.
Main Part: 2,000 words
Engage theoretically with:
a) the meaning of the social model of disability, including its
background, development, concepts, principles and values;
b) what inclusive education/an inclusive approach to education
involves, based on applying the social model of disability, including its
concepts and principles, values and purposes.
c) critical questions or issued arising for school/educational
Conclusion : 250 words
- A summary of the key points of made in the main part that you wrote
about - A final statement of your overall standpoint and ideas about the
topic, including, if you wish, what implications it may have for you in
the future.