Essay question is: Critically
evaluate how the visual functions in relation to either:
a. Tourism and
b. History and
terms of constructing place for us? How might we use the tourist gaze to ‘get
at’ what is happening in normal society? What examples can you think of,
whereby the tourist gaze reveals something about ‘normal’ society to us?
does film/TV programmes/games/social
media trends shape
the identity of a place? Do
certain places naturally encourage certain media representations, or does the media construct our understandings of place? Does the
mediation of place through new kinds of media (film, TV, digital devices) add
to, or detract from the authenticity of the tourist experience?
Urry, J. and Larsen, J. 2011. The Tourist Gaze 3. London: Sage. (Chapter 1 – ‘Theories’) (available as e-book via library) –> I couldn’t attach the file of this reading.
Sturken. Tourists of History. .pdf
However, do not use these readings only but please do more research.