Critically examine Schelling’s model of residential segregation and the theoretical assumptions behind it. Contrast this with possible structural explanations about segregation. Which perspective do you find more compelling and why?

Key/suggested references:

1. Schelling, T. (2006), Sorting and Mixing : Race and Sex, Chapter 4,
Micromotives and Macrobehavior, Norton
2. Friedman (1953), The Methodology of Positive Economics’, reprinted in
Readings in the philosophy of social science. Cambridge, Mass: MIT
Press., 1994. 
3.Gee, G. C., & Ford, C. L. (2011). Structural Racism and Health
Inequalities: Old Issues, New Directions. Du Bois Review: social science
research on race, 8(1), 115–132.
1. You can draw insights from all relevant academic sources, but make
sure that your answers contain clearly articulated, consistent

2. You will be not rewarded for merely reproducing the lecture notes and
the discussion should reflect your critical understanding of the study
3. Correct referencing (both in terms of content and style) are extremely
important. Incorrect referencing will be penalised. Please make sure to
read the document on referencing and plagiarism on the VLE. 
4. strictly keep plagiarism very low ( no higher than 20%)

please submit on time

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