Design a Differentiated (Layered) Lesson in Support of Literacy Growth for kindergarten

Project 4: Design a Differentiated (Layered) Lesson in Support of Literacy Growth for 


Today’s classroom teacher faces the critical task of utilizing methods of instruction that allow for the education of the most diverse classes of students in our nation’s history.

 Teachers must be able to utilize research-based strategies and interventions and differentiate for diverse learners. The purpose of this assignment is to have you explore the area of lesson planning and creation and delivery of instruction focusing on differentiated methodology, which can be related to Bloom’s Taxonomy/Webb’s DOK guided lessons, differentiated lessons, and layered lessons.   

For this assignment, you will use the DeSales Lesson Planning Template provided here.  

You do not have to complete the post-lesson analysis and reflection section as you are not required to teach this lesson plan. 

 The portion of the lesson plan that specifically addresses Differentiation / Accommodations for Individual Learners should be highly descriptive as this is one of the main focuses of this assignment.  

You must include an assessment either of your own design or produced by a reliable source to show how you would assess whether or not your students met the instruction objective for the lesson. 

 You can view this lesson plan as either a plan for a pull-out group or a plan for a co-taught class where you are the lead teacher for this lesson.

Planning the Layered Lesson

     STEPS to Designing and Teaching a Layered Lesson for Kindergarten for a Literacy Lesson

1.  Identify the grade level indicator  / skill for lesson.

2.  Introduce the grade level indicator / skill to ALL students.

3.  Teach either an initial lesson or a partial lesson.

4.  Diagnose students in order to create instructional groups and layers.

5.  Create the instructional layers based on need.

6.  Engage students in instructional layers according to instructional need.

7.  Provide instructional assistance to each group based on need.

8.  Share student products (group or individual).

9.  Provide teacher feedback and facilitate student reflection.

10. Provide lesson assessment for mastery of the instructional objective in the lesson.

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