****Case Vignette and Sample / Example Paper attached.****Note You can make up more information for this paper**
1) Provide a clinical summary that includes the presenting problem, trauma event(s) symptom profile, diagnosis and relevant history and background information of the “client” presenting for therapy. Your summary information should be consistent with known research on the effects and impact of trauma, common symptom expression and interpersonal difficulties.
2) Develop and formulate a comprehensive, inter-disciplinary treatment plan where you integrate the process of recovery with community-based resources for support for your proposed case, for example Victims of Violent Crimes and various other support groups to address your client’s presenting problem.
3) Use a traditional format that includes problem statements, goals, specific objectives and appropriate interventions, including relevant referrals. Include a minimum of two problems, 3-4 objectives and 3-5 interventions for each defined problem. Remember to use SMART criteria when developing your objectives (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-limited).
4) Lastly, support your choice of goals, objectives and interventions with empirical evidence from at least two relevant resources specific to trauma therapy techniques and recovery tasks. Explain how the chosen interventions specifically aid in trauma recovery.