Develop an episode of learning for a member of staff/student and provide an evidence-based rationale for the chosen activities and learning tools employed.

 Title: Develop an episode of learning for a member of staff/student and provide an evidence-based rationale for the chosen activities and learning tools employed.

The episode of learning (learning materials and plan) will be included in an appendix.

You need to write a 3000-word essay that meets all the LOs:

LO1 – Create effective learning strategies that contribute to effective learning environments.

LO2 – Critically evaluate learning theories and learning approaches and analyse their impact on those under supervision.

LO3 – Critically analyse and implement appropriate strategies for giving and receiving performance feedback.

LO4 – Apply appropriate theories to synthesize episodes of learning within the clinical environment.

LO5 – Apply appropriate theories of assessment to an episode of learning within the clinical environment to ensure assessment validity. A kindly reminder that you are required to reflect on the micro teach session in your reflective account.

Start the assessment with a standard academic introduction.

What are you going to cover, what is the context (i.e., what was the topic of your episode of learning) and the different themes you will address in your essay?
Your episode of learning needs to be placed in the appendix.
Are there any key terms which need to be defined for the reader? This should not be in note form, but be incorporated within your introduction
In the main body include:

Discuss learning strategies, learning styles and learning environment.
Apply this to your lesson plan – how did you use this in your lesson plan?
Critically evaluate learning theories.
Analyse how this impacts the person under supervision.
Make specific application to your lesson plan.
Critically analyse feedback strategies.
Critically analyse how appropriate they are.
Again, apply to your lesson plan.
This links to LO2, therefore you might want to consider to combine this with LO2 in your writing.
Your lesson plan takes place in a clinical environment. Make sure to link it back to this clinical environment in which your lesson plan takes place.
Apply appropriate theories to synthesize episodes of learning within the clinical environment.
Critically analyse theories of assessment.
Discuss assessment validity, reliability and objectivity.
Apply to your lesson plan.
Throughout your essay make sure to support your work with evidence of critical debate and analysis using supporting literature.

Finally conclude your work – highlight the key points from the main body of your work and give recommendations for practice based on your discussion from the main body of your work.

This is followed by the reference list. Use Harvard referencing

After that you need to include the episode of learning (learning materials and plan) in an appendix.

I would recommend you use this assessment template Download assessment templatewhich includes the lesson plan template.

Other helpful resources:

Cite them rightLinks to an external site. for help with referencing

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