This assignment covers the following lesson objectives:
- Evaluate network topologies used to build networks based on business requirements.
- Create network cabling design layouts and identify potential network problems.
- Analyze business needs, and design topologies and components in a network.
Assignment Overview
In this group project assignment, you will develop a project outline for a given scenario. You will employ the concepts you’ve learned about network topologies, cabling design layouts, etc.
- A 2- to a 5-page document.
- APA formatted
- Credible sources
Activity Details
Develop and submit an outline for your group project “Designing a small business LAN/WAN network” (Group Project) (100 pts). The outline is the first step of your Group Project and will be followed by a written draft and diagrams which support the design of an E-Commerce small business network (e.g. B2B, B2C, C2B, etc.). Set a time to meet with your group using a video conference tool (e.g. WebEx, Teams, Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc.)
Scenario: The network your group is tasked to design is for an E-Commerce Small Business (200 employees), with 100 drops, utilizing Cisco routers, switches, and hubs; in a two-story office building spanning 8000 square feet, with an associated communication closet and server room. Include associated network printers, servers, desktops, WAPs, BAPs, and cabling components discussed in the first two lessons.
Format: Use APA format to submit a group project outline containing Title Page with a Running Head, Intro., Body, Conclusion, References, and five Network Centric Design topics. The outline may exceed two pages, no more than five pages in length.