Developmentally Appropriate Classroom Elements in the Early Childhood Setting Presentation

Effective classroom management strategies set expectations for students, providing them with behavioral boundaries and a framework in which to function. Teachers who carefully plan and consistently communicate their classroom expectations will find their students are better prepared to engage in learning activities.

Throughout this course, you will create a classroom management plan that you will submit in Topic 7. Review the instructions in the Topic 7 benchmark assignment (attached).

While every teacher’s classroom is unique, all early childhood classrooms have certain basic elements, including schedules, curriculum, activities, and materials. Teachers need to understand how to organize the elements of the learning environment in specific ways to promote learning and development.

Select a grade, pre-K to Grade 3, and create a 12-15 slide digital presentation for new early childhood teachers explaining the basic elements of an early childhood classroom and the effect on learner development and behavior.

Include the following in the presentation:

  • Child Guidance: Summary of the theoretical foundations of child guidance and behavior development.

  • Classroom Design: Explanation of how appropriate and intentional classroom design can be beneficial to children’s development and behavior.

  • Schedules: Examples of daily and weekly schedules for the selected grade and how schedules affect behavior.

  • Curriculum: General topics and subject matter that should be addressed in the selected grade.

  • Activities: Brief description of one whole group activity, one small group activity, and one individual activity that would guide students in the selected grade to display appropriate classroom behavior.

  • Materials: At least 3-5 examples of educationally relevant, developmentally appropriate materials or resources that should be included in the classroom of the selected grade.

  • Online Resources: Provide links to online resources for exploring each topic further.

  • Title slide, reference slide, and speaker’s notes.

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric (attached). Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

I have attached an example of this assignment for reference.

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