Diagnostic Radiography – Person Centred Care – Marginalised groups & health inequalities

Using quote as a trigger (“It is vital that Radiographers understand and support the needs of service users and their carers. Not only is this because all patients are entitled to the best possible, personalised care but, vitally, understanding and meeting the differing care needs of people will ensure the best outcomes.”) identify a specific patient population in which *Diagnostic* Radiographers play a key part in their care. Review and critically evaulate relevant literature in order to produce an informative essay.

The patient population chosen must have specific difficulties or challenges with health literacy. The essay is about the specific care needs of these individuals and how they can be met by radiographers in the clinical environment while providing person centred care (PCC).

Examples of patient populations who suffer health inequalities can include: individuals who have learning disabilities, have mobility issues, are from certain ethnicities/races/religions, have language a barrier, are prisoners, drug users/ dependant individuals/elderly with Alzheimer’s/dementia. (Please choose a population from the examples listed).

Content to be included in each section of paper is details in guidance document and PowerPoint. Approximately 25 sources should be used in this essay (1 reference per every 100 words). When selecting sources please ensure they are reliable , up to date and of a high academic standard – none of which lead back to essay writing websites. Marking rubric at end of guidance document can be used to view marking criteria. Please see photo in attached files listing indicative reading for some suggested sources.
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