Did school closure policies affected gender gaps in private sector during the Covid-19 pandemic in the united states?

Important information: The essay is about econometrics so it need you to download raw data from specific websites and use STATA software to run regression!!!

The format of the essay should be:
  • Summary
  • Background on the issue and data
  • Data analysis and interpretations
  • Policy implications, if any (this would include statements along the lines of “the correlation is interesting, it would be reasonable & valuable to more carefully assess the potential effects of a policy change; and the current policy should be to generate this evidenceâ€�)
  • Data limitations and suggested actions for generating further evidence.
The data should be only downloaded from the Data Catalogue
https://login.enterprisesurveys.org/content/sites/financeandprivatesector/en/library.html) of the
Enterprise Survey’s website (https://www.enterprisesurveys.org/en/survey-datasets). 
Find a datasetof interest and click on “Get the Microdataâ€� to download them. Look only at the “Enterprise Surveysâ€�, not all datasets reported in the Data Catalogue are firm level data.
Enterprise Survey’s website contains also various useful tool as the Data Visualization
(https://www.enterprisesurveys.org/en/graphing-tool) or the Sample description. You should also read the summary of survey methodology here:
Note that you are required to work starting from the raw/firm level data.
For the assignment, you should find and carefully describe an interesting descriptive fact in the
data. Then, discuss the policy implications of this fact. If you believe more evidence is necessay to inform policy, you should describe why the evidence is needed (e.g., the descriptive data may point to an interesting correlation but be misleading for establishing policy) and propose a plan for generating the necessary evidence.For your assignment, you should find and carefully describe an interesting descriptive fact in the data. Then, discuss the policy implications of this fact. If you believe more evidence is necessary to inform policy, you should describe why the evidence is needed (e.g., the descriptive data may point
to an interesting correlation but be misleading for establishing policy) and propose a plan for
generating the necessary evidence. If you have a plausible strategy to identify a
causal effect of policy interest, by all means do so. But if the data only point to an interesting
correlation, that’s fine too. You then just need to describe a reasonable strategy to further
understand this correlation with an aim towards informing policy.. If you have a plausible strategy to identify a causal effect of policy interest, by all means do so. But if the data only point to an interesting correlation, that’s fine too. You then just need to describe a reasonable strategy to further understand this correlation with an aim towards informing policy.
The assignment should be related to one of the following topics: Propensity score matching, panel data, difference in differences, Instrument Variables
(You will need username and passwords to log in to the website:
Password: 19700320Hhh!) 

I uploaded some samples essay for reference

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