Discipline-Specific Research Essay Compose a 1,250- to 1,750-word argumentative essay on a current issue within your discipline related to technology/digital culture. One source must be a peer- reviewed scholarly article.

A common English composition 2 essay

Discipline-Specific Research Essay

Compose a 1,250- to 1,750-word
argumentative essay on a current issue within your discipline related to technology/digital culture. My major is analytical chemistry, but it doesn’t offer many options to connect to digital technology. I’m ok with something related to education advancement with digitalization, or for example a topic such as “should the American education system switch to a heavier stem-focused high school curriculum?” For example, comparing Singaporean/Korean school system to the U.S. one. That way we have options of many counterarguments. But that’s just an idea. Anything else may be ok, too.

The essay should present an original contribution to the conversation that is logically supported by your research
into the issue. To support your key points, you should properly introduce and
incorporate seven credible sources using
MLA. One source must be a peer-
reviewed scholarly article. You must cite
your sources whether you are paraphrasing or quoting.

Rely on appeals to facts and reason (logos) and character (ethos), avoiding logical fallacies. You may, however, use limited appeals to emotion (pathos) in your introduction and conclusion to show the significance of the issue and motivate readers to read on. I though prefer no pathos.

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