Learning Goal: I’m working on a supply chain discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Some would say quality service is like good art: we know it when we see it. With some training and experience, however, our sense of quality and value can be refined. This week’s discussion topic aims to gather a variety of examples of both good and not-so-good service experiences to help us distinguish the defining attributes of the supply chain that lead to quality customer service events. Have fun with this one as you share details of your most memorable service encounters!
Describe a customer service event (negative or positive) you have experienced within the past few months. Tell the story of what happened and then address the following questions.
- How did the service event affect your opinion of the company or organization involved?
- What aspect of the organizational supply chain was most relevant to your experience?
- In what ways, if any, could the organization have changed its logistics methods to make your customer experience more positive?