1) It must be double-spaced typed in 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, with 1-inch margins and numbered.
2) It must be submitted on time.
3) It must be AT LEAST 4 pages long and no longer than 6. At least 4 pages means that you start at the top of the page and go all the way to the bottom of each page (not including header information). This does not include a title page or reference page.
4) You must use AT LEAST 3 credible sources that must be listed at the end in a reference page.
5) You must properly cite the paper using APA format (please omit abstracts and section headers).
6) The paper should be written formally and be grammatically correct.
7) When you submit the paper, you must copy and paste it into Discussion board as a response to your topic AND post it as a .rtf or .doc/x file. (Please no PDFS) The paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign.
8) The paper cannot be all or mostly in quotation marks. No more than 1/4 of your paper may be the words of someone else.
9) The paper should have a title page which is not included in the 4-page count. 1) It must be double-spaced typed in 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, with 1-inch margins and numbered.
2) It must be submitted on time.
3) It must be AT LEAST 4 pages long and no longer than 6. At least 4 pages means that you start at the top of the page and go all the way to the bottom of each page (not including header information). This does not include a title page or reference page.
4) You must use AT LEAST 3 credible sources that must be listed at the end in a reference page.
5) You must properly cite the paper using APA format (please omit abstracts and section headers).
6) The paper should be written formally and be grammatically correct.
7) When you submit the paper, you must copy and paste it into Discussion board as a response to your topic AND post it as a .rtf or .doc/x file. (Please no PDFS) The paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign.
8) The paper cannot be all or mostly in quotation marks. No more than 1/4 of your paper may be the words of someone else.
9) The paper should have a title page which is not included in the 4-page count.