Discuss the impact of the Russia Ukraine conflict on Transport and Storage (inc. postal)

Must choose ONE
of the following industries of the United Kingdom and discuss the impact
of the Russia Ukraine conflict on their chosen industry. Critical analysis must
be undertaken by students applying appropriate Economic theories and backed by peer
reviewed literature and reputable text-books

The report must be word
processed, double spaced with 25mm margins. The font size must be such that the
project is easily readable e.g. a font size of either 12 or 14 point (excluding
headings). Use widely-used fonts such as Times New Roman, not those that might
be considered informal or unusual. Pages must be sequentially numbered.

Chapters, sections and
sub-sections must be clearly identified and sequentially numbered or lettered,
with separate chapters beginning on a new page.

Diagrams, graphs,
figures, tables, pictures and charts must be incorporated into the report and
they should be clearly labelled and referenced.

References must be
accurately provided in the text using the Harvard System (see Saunders et al.,
2009).  All quotations must be
acknowledged and correctly presented within the text i.e. other than very short
ones, quotations should be indented and in single spacing. (See Saunders et al
for further details). 

Note: Please concentrate on structuring your arguments
in appropriate academic writing and not provide a long commentary of current
events or provide large quantities of statistics.


the individual report, you are encouraged to “showcase” your
knowledge, technical grasp and understanding of relevant economic
theories.  This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate (briefly)
that you understand and can apply the relevant principles, theory and evidence

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