Make sure that you answer the questions in full; failure to answer all parts of the assignment will result in a lower grade. Using the questions below, develop an argument for your own position on why you think the characters in the book made certain choices and acted the way they did to demonstrate the importance of the issues. This can be drawn from many different perspectives, but the important thing is that you support your argument with information (from the textbook and Davisβs book) from the text and from materials presented in class. Your grade will depend upon how well you formulate and support your argument.
Simply summarizing the text and/or class discussions will not earn you a passing grade.
In 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font respond to the following question:
Drawing upon the different roles and expectations for men and women in 16th century France, discuss the importance of religion, marriage, and family life in The Return of Martin Guerre, both from the perspective of the characters and from the contemporary accounts from which Natalie Davis constructed her narrative (the last sections of the book). Furthermore, in what ways did the religious tensions of the 16th century impact the characters in the text?
MUST USE Return of Martin Guerre by Natalie Davis.