DISCUSSION: Annotated Bib Part 1 topic (Ethical Argument: Should Parents Monitor Their Teenagers’ Social Media Use?)


Once you have read the directions for this week’s essay, you are to decide on what angle you would like to write from in regards to your topic.  Narrow down the topics I gave you and be as specific as you can be. You will choose a position for or against. Make sure you know arguments for both sides. Have a list of reasons for your own views. Be able to warrant and discuss and to make logical connection of why your reasons are valid. This assignment is the evidence you will find to back your warrants and reasons. 

PART 1: State what your topic is, what your position is, and why it matters.

Choose one of the topics given and focus on a specific angle. Then choose two (2) sources from the databases (Ebscohost Links to an external site., CQ Researcher Links to an external site., or any other databases you wish to use hereLinks to an external site.. Add two (2) more sources from the internet for a total of FOUR (4) sources. If you begin on the internet researching your topic, you can locate any paywall article by searching for it hereLinks to an external site.. Message the librarian hereLinks to an external site. for help if you get stuck. They have a message function and a chat function during hours they are open).

  1. Begin by sharing what your topic is, what your position on the argument is, and why this matters to your readers. End this beginning portion of your post by ending with a question for your classmates in regards to your topic so that they can enter into a discussion with you about your topic. What is something you want others to understand or what is a question you have in regards to your position that you would like your audience to answer?
  2. Then separately share the MLA citation of two of the articles you found to support your argument. 
  3. Write a summary about each source and include the following: 
    • Begin with the main point
    • Discuss who the publisher is (Hint: it is not the databases, i.e. EBSCOhost….it is who published the original publication this source appeared in. 
    • Discuss who the writer of this source is and what their background is (google them). 
    • Note if the article is biased or missing information. 
    • End the summary with how you will use each within your paper.
  4. When finished, make sure that you respond to your peers within your post and at least two (2) other posts by Sunday midnight. 
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