This week we are reading about curriculum planning for health and safety in our classrooms.
This discussion post is a mini-assignment this week! You will be creating a lesson plan!
You will need to do a little research in the local community to find a resource for teaching a health or safety concept.
There are some organizations that have preschool-friendly presentations available. Look online for information about presentations available for health and safety instruction for preschoolers.
You will probably have some other great ideas!
- Choose one of the following topics; fire safety, dental health, community safety, earthquake safety, medical care, nutrition, health professionals, water safety, stress management.
- Use one of the lesson plans in the book as a guide or template for writing a lesson plan on the topic you have chosen and include the community resource you have found to expand on your topic.
- If you have found a health or safety presentation in the community, be sure to give the details on how to contact the organization (or person) who does the presentation so that your classmates will be able to make note of this resource to use in their classroom. If there is a fee, be sure to include this in your post.
- Be sure to include:
Title of your lesson
Concept-what are you focusing on with the children?
Objectives-What will the children learn ( specific, observable and measurable!)
Materials List
Learning Activities–the step-by-step procedures for your lesson
Evaluation-How will you know the children have achieved your objectives?
Read at least two of your peer’s lesson plans and give them some suggestions for improving their lesson plan.