Discussion post compare and contrast two real-world decisions by two different companies.

Last week, you learned the concept of
“elasticity”. This week, you will evaluate and discuss its relevance
as you compare and contrast two real-world decisions by two different

Case 1In July 2011, Netflix implemented a plan to
split up its DVD + instant streaming plan into 3 separate plans: (1) DVD only,
(2) streaming only, and (3) DVD + streaming. The price for the DVD + streaming
plan would be raised from $10 to $16. The rate hike caused a loss of subscriber
base to the tune of 1 million [reported in the following article in the 
Huffington Post” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/15/netflix-price-increase-subscriber-loss_n_964026.html ]
and a huge drop in the share price of 
Netflix. The company defended its decision and implemented the change

Case 2: Around September 2011, Bank
of America announced that, beginning in early 2012, it would start charging its
customers $5 a month for using their debit cards [the following is an article
from the Christian Science monitor: http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/2011/0930/Debit-card-fees-Why-Bank-of-America-will-charge-5-for-debit-card-use.
Following the tremendous backlash from credit card holders, the company
abandoned its plans and did not implement its new fee.


Compare and contrast the two cases. What elasticity considerations would Netflix and BankAm have considered in their
individual decisions? Why did they react differently to essentially similar
customer responses?



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