2 step
1) Initial post (Questioning Techniques)400 words
2) Reply to 2 peer 200 word each
Discussion Thread: Authority, Responsibility, Accountability: Questioning Techniques
Using the Discussion: Questioning Techniques Chart located within the Learn section of this module, create at least 6 questions from the assigned readings for this module. Note: You must ask questions from each reading or presentation. You may not ask all 6 questions from one reading source. Maximize your questioning techniques by employing all 5 levels of questioning located within the Questioning Techniques Chart. The purpose of this discussion is to help you choose what was important in each assigned reading and presentation so that you can spur your classmates onto higher learning through their replies. Make sure you have a heading for each set of questions (i.e., Title of Reading, Chapter # Question, Presentation Title, etc…) so that your classmates can find answers to your questions. Please review the provided example, Example Questioning Discussion Download Example Questioning Discussion, prior to posting.