We have a Master Thesis – we need to respect the VadeMecum of our university that explains everything.
We also attached to this instruction all documents needed to respect well the construction of a good work : “the 10 (blueprint) rules for writing a literature review”, “Mendley tutorial to use to find the citactions”, “reeding sheet tutorial to use for each citation/articles to construct to litterature review”, “comparative table of content to use to find wich citation have the more impact in the litterature review”.
THIS THESIS IS 50% LITTERATURE REVIEW and 50% Personal ANALYSIS QUALITITAIVE of this case based on the litterature review.
By the way : the subejct handle in this litterature review have to be focus on : Sport Management and Economy/ Finance
– For the citations we also attached a “Mendeley tutorial” to find the citations
– “Tutorial to learn how to summurize on citations/articles”.
We already have the citations to put in the report but adding more citations by yourself would be beneficial to us.
We have a format of the citations to respect this one is **in the VADEMECUM attached**
(the format is APA – IPAG Business School) = as explained in the instructions
If you are up to make a call with us, feel free to text me.