The thesis will be action research. It will contain interviews I would like a partner who can send me the thesis and in between dates to get feedback from the supervisor for any modifications.
The research will be qualitative ( action research with 2 or 3 cycles of piloting) and will include interviews. The word count of the main paper should be 15000 words (excluding References and Appendices).
More specifically, I plan to present kindergarten children with flashcards with the target words of the action song I will be teaching. After confirming that they are not known I will do the intervention for 2 weeks then I will interview the children again by presenting the same flashcards to see if they learned the words through the song, first I will ask them to name the words in English and see if they can do it, if not I will say the word in English and ask them to show it to me ( I’m not sure if a quantitative analysis is needed here because it will only involve 20 children). I also thought that maybe I could do the research differently and do the procedure 1 week with singing without movements and the next week with movements and singing to see if there are any differences ( but maybe that would make the research an experiment?). My advisor professor has sent me a quantitative research book and 4 samples of good diplomas.
If a partner is found to take on the thesis we should have it ready by June 5 where it will pass the final evaluation of the professor for corrections , but in the meantime he has told me that if I;a periodically I should send it to him to see my progress.