- Eating Disorders and Obesity: A Counselor’s Guide to Treatment and Prevention (Choate)
You may structure your book review however you wish to. Use headings and/or subheadings to ensure that the assignment is well-structured and that transitions from section-to-section are smooth. Areas that you should cover include the following:
- Overview of the book
- What’s its purpose?
- Who is the intended audience?
- What is/are the main ideas or points that the author is trying to present?
- Organization of the book (e.g., is it well-organized, etc.)
- Names of authors/editors
- When was it published?
- Is it a valuable reference/resource for parents, school psychologists, others, etc.?
- Is the material clear, coherent, and presented well?
- A summary of the content
- What are strengths and weaknesses of the book?
- How thorough is the content and is it based in scientific scholarship?
- The author’s writing style
- Does the book have unique features/tools (e.g., forms, templates, checklists, etc., for clinical/school use)
- Do you recommend this book, and who /who do you not recommend it for?